Charity may begin at home, but continues in Brent

As a part of Irvin Leisure’s commitment to working with local charities it is our tradition to raise funds for the local Mayor’s charities whenever we visit an area. In Brent for 2008/9 we were delighed to assist the Mayor of the Borough, Councillor Ralph Fox, raise funds for his two chosen groups. The first is Age Concern, and whilst your author may be a long way away from needing their help (thought it does not feel like that at the moment) this agency is more necessary than ever in these difficult financial times, giving support and advice as they do to the elderly of the area.
The second group is BANG Entertainment, and our vivid if rather twisted imaginations wondered what we were supporting in this until we found that it is a group supporting those seeking careers in the creative industries. How appropriate is that for us to assist, and that is why giving this cheque to Councillor Fox was a particular pleasure for George Irvin.
We congratulate Councillor Fox on his hard work during his year of office and wish him every success in the future. Mayors of Boroughs are the public face of the Council to so many people and this important job should not be underestimated in importance.